Monday, November 2, 2009


Thanks to Cleaning up the Clutter, I've realized that - once again - my house is becoming very cluttered.  I think clutter is the real problem behind my house being so messy, dirty, not as spotless as I would like!  Because if I have to pick up before I can clean up, the cleaning is never going to happen, and that kind of failure looming ahead makes the picking up nearly impossible.  So, tonight, despite the disgusting bathrooms and dusty furniture, I think I'll focus on a few decluttering projects. 

I plan to clean out the toy box - switching toys from the toy box to the storage bin, and hopefully getting the toy box to stop overflowing.
I also am going to reorganize the - not one, but - two junk drawers in the kitchen. 
Lastly, I will take all the mail to be filed downstairs, and file all the papers that have accumulated in the handy box sitting on top of the file cabinet. 

I kind of also want to go to the gym.  We'll see what wins...

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